NOR Research Studio is a research design studio. We help artists, creatives, startups, and nonprofits build and manage their audiences, fundraise, and develop intellectual property. Moreover, we want to work with you. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation here. You can also fill out this intake form, which makes for a great self-reflexive diagnostic tool.

The goal for this newsletter project is to demystify how funding bodies review grants and to demonstrate how grants can be useful tools for structuring projects in need of funding. There are plenty of reasons to seek other avenues for funding your creative projects, and I’ll mention them when relevant. But for the purposes of this cycle, I’m going to focus on grants, especially because they illuminate some inequity that has long plagued arts funding.

On a closing note, thanks to everyone who has subscribed. There is much to say about the decision to maintain a small business — let alone a research-based, self-funded art practice — but your support is the most invigorating part. Please feel free to email me (wye@nor.la) or use this anonymous Google form if you have any questions.

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